Insights With Tara 8
Invincibility Of AUM
Meditation Insights with ZHEN MIGYALWA'I PAMO ~ Invincible Heroin Who Destroys Criticism and Harm
I Am The One Who's Compassion Is As Swift As Lightening! It is through my compassion that I destroy the demons of disturbed emotions, argument makers and other troubles.
Varun Mudra increases this quality within all heart wombs who utilize its almighty clarifying power! The Vajra Vehicle is spiritual technology for creating the rainbow bridge between your sacral and your heart chakras, thus creating the unified field and sacred space of the heart womb.
This technology is activated once the individual has reclaimed their sovereign power; a solid sense of Selfhood + Creatorhood combined into the central Soul Star and Sun of one's core being.
There is more to be learned and experience here.
"This technology removes all projections of criticism in this life and lifetimes past." - Tara
This technology removes all projections of criticism in this life and lifetimes past, and thus also the harm of these projections from your body and space. This allows your aura to expand with the vibrancy of tangerine orange and bright golden yellow, the aura of success! The hum of your own voice while meditating on My emanation ~ created the exacting tone and vibration of light to gently loosen, release and dissolve ancient chords of other's ~ both conscious and unconscious ~ attachments to your form.
You will now be blessed with the peace that exists between the Space that surrounds you and the Form of your body - which is to say the peace between you "your self" and "all others". Ring the bells of Sovereignty for all who have ears to hear! Dance with your lightening compassion! Raise the vibration of physical vehicles. Prepare body temples for the expansion of consciousness happening Now. Uplift all hearts and bring peace to all minds. Activate The Human Spirit through the absolute power of Vajra! I Am The One Who Conquers All Fears.
Om Tare Tuttare Daha Patsa Hung Phat Svaha!