Dance as a form of nourishment, for the liberation of all beings. Sisters and brothers let’s unite to stomp barefoot on The Earth. Let’s take a powerful stand for Love and Freedom, as One Body of The Divine Feminine ☯️ Masculine Christ. “Laugh At the ease of your reign over all fears… and dance!”
Dance For Truth + Sovereignty
⚡️ divine feminine embodiment journey ⚡️
Thunder & lightening is exciting And so is dancing with Green tara & Her order of dakinis!
This ancient Temple Dance tradition combines Ritual and Ceremony, martial arts, yoga and Bhakti;“The yoga of emotion”, into one sacred offering.
feel the absolute power & bliss of a sisterhood untied by love’s forward momentum & impulse to create new worlds & realities!
Celebrating The Divine Feminine in all of her full spectrum of light and dark through 21 Emanations of Tara as aspects of Self, with Green Tara and The Dakinis as mentors and mirrors. This course utilizes Yoga, Meditation, Communion and Union with The Divine through sacred (yogic) dance and experiential self study that involves Chanting, Mantra (expression), Symbolism, Mudras, Sacred Geometry, the Five Sacred Elements (experimentation), Journaling (integration), and Odissi Temple Dance (embodiment)… The Path of TANTRA through the body, mind, heart, senses and perspective of "The Yogini”. Discover how sensuality and spirituality are One in the depths of the human heart, how The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine work together as a unified force within you, how the power of The Holy Spirit FIRE + Sacred WATER Intelligence helps you access the strength of your passion and grace of compassion when being of service to others. Reclaim your divine connection and relationship with Gaia and Terra… activate, “turn on” your body temple of self honesty, truth and bliss. Become a compassionate witness for your fellow human beings and end all judgement and codependent tendencies to want to rush in to fix, heal or rescue. Practice compassionately witnessing yourself as you move through your own trauma and pain, transcending into higher octaves and more expansive levels of consciousness where self hatred, criticism and judgement simply can no longer live within your body, mind and psyche - but rather take the reigns and steer your destiny as you map out your legacy of love and wisdom in every present moment.
Every class in this curriculum is an immersive container that combines temple dance training with discourse. This self study program is a case of “what you put in is what you get out of it”. Materials for preparation and integration are emailed out weekly.
Woven and integrated are the wisdom teachings for self reflection on The 8 Great Fears that Green Tara helps us to overcome with victory and success, fears that create unnecessary obstacles in our lives, that block our ability to receive love in our relationships, and sabotage the fulfillment of our divine purpose, health, peace and joy. We approach these fears with courage, curiosity and sensitivity, liberating the JOY that is fostered by a sisterhood based in sovereignty, united in meditation and movement as The One Body of The Divine Feminine Masculine Christ, of humanity.
Recognize “The Mirror” that is being held up by everyone you encounter - reflecting aspects of your own divinity and humanity back to you - which automatically heals and transforms trauma and trigger points into empowerments of Love and Wisdom which transcends projections of fear, anger, jealously, ill will, competition, rage, grief, envy, unworthiness, competition, hatred, sabotage, arrogance and pride. By dancing through all that arises from deep within The Collective Dark Unconscious - ALL is welcomed into The Light of Awareness. It is the love and compassion you offer yourself every step of the journey that allows you to understand and KNOW that pain and suffering is not personal, it is universal.
In this way you get to practice immaculate temple keeping, since throughout this journey your Body is The Temple and The Divine is within.
Experience directly what it actually feels like to embody your divinity on Earth in your human form. This word “embodiment” means that all happens within and through your body. It means that you are grounding and anchoring higher frequencies and vibrations of light into the planetary body ~ The Light of your Higher Self and Oversoul ~ through your physical vehicle. This 21 week journey is for brave, poetic and cosmic souls. It is considered a sacred time of devotion to your spiritual practice, and to the pure enjoyment of discovering physical movement as a meditation that has symbolic meaning and spiritual significance for transformation and self realization.
“Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha!”
“ Wow, I have taken so long to write this as I didn't know where to begin. This journey with Shekinah and my sisters was so profound. It could not be expressed in words alone how grateful and connected I feel. I really appreciated having a longer container like this and Shekinahs support through the whole process. In the past I would have had a hard time committing to show up each week for so long and at the same time I knew this is what my soul craved. I craved that time together to check in with ourselves and each other each week, all winter. The guidance to go deeper into myself and to develop more clarity and support. Sharing beautiful practices that supported me on all levels. The tools that were shared with me will support me for life and I appreciate them so much. Shekinah is such a powerful goddess, teacher, sister and friend. Her guidance and support is so loving, clear and honest. Through being seen and showing up as I was each week, regardless of if I was feeling happy, sad or overwhelmed really shifted something in me. I am now able to do this in many other areas of my life as well, knowing that I am worthy as I am. Emotions will always fluctuate but I can stay solid at my core and in my soul, unconditionally loving myself through it all. Shekinah was so great at reminding us to come back to that unconditional self love. Coming out of our container I feel energized, inspired and supported to go forward with whatever I desire to create and experience in my life. I feel capable and held, I have new tools and a whole support system around me. I feel so much love in my heart and soul for this beautiful container that I had the privilege of being a part of and for my sisters who shared this with me and Shekinah our lovely teacher, sister and friend. “
- Alyssa C.
Join the International Divine Feminine Dakini Dance Movement! Work with Shekinah by hosting her in your part of the world to help you build your own Community of Dakini Sky Dancers! Ask about her Prepare The Body Temple Teacher Training.
Dakini Shekinah Ashni Grace distills her extensive yoga training, western dance background and Indian classical dance experience into techniques for yogic study to assist you in achieving a dynamic, transformative and graceful physical practice that honours the body as a temple and the earth as sacred.
Fully awaken SHAKTI to activate and gently facilitate the re-emergence, re-generation and re-birth of the vulnerable, courageous, wise and strong Inner God/Goddess who is authentic, ready to bare his/her heart and be seen in ALL his/her Creative Power, Perfect Love and Beauty as a blessing for this world, and worlds unseen, for generations.
Who are The Dakini’s?
The Dakinis are an angelic order who assist life's turning points. They are distillations of archetypal emanations that represent those essence principles within The Self which are capable of transformation to a higher octave. They represent the light of awareness that touches the shadows and hidden beauty in you, quickening your heart and opening your soul to love as you go deep within… and quietly surrender to more of what brings you pleasure, peace and joy.
"The fierce dancing dakinis embody and activate the powerful and transformative energy of the feminine. When you think about it, we really don’t have that kind of image of spiritual enlightenment in our western world, reflections of female divinity that are active, dancing, fierce, free, and wild. By activating the dakini power within us, we will have an inner resource that should never be underestimated.
What we’re really doing is taking a part of the psyche that’s been relegated to the unconscious—the fierce, powerful feminine who has become repressed—and we are bringing that energy forward, through dance, and exploring that energy’s potential for enlightenment.
The dakinis tend to push us through blockages. They appear during challenging, crucial moments when we might be stymied in our lives; perhaps we don’t know what to do next and we are in transition. Maybe an obstacle has arisen and we can’t figure out how to get around or get through—then the dakinis, Your Inner Dakini, will guide you. If in some way you’re stuck, the dakini energy will appear, rise up within you, open the way, and push you through."
- From "The Sacred Feminine" by Lama Tsultrim Allione